Black granite also has many different colors, depending on your liking to choose your favorite color. With the granite kitchen space with bold colors that are loved by many people. Because the kitchen is a place where the stone surface is often exposed to many stains, choose a dark black color first, it does not show too much stains and is also extremely easy to clean. Both create elegance and clean.

How to choose granite for kitchen to match feng shui?

In the concept of East Asians, Vietnam is one of them. With the feng shui destiny of the homeowner, choosing the right color and decoration materials for the house is always important. The view is that, in order to affect the destiny, health, and relationships in the family, feng shui energy governs the living environment of the owner. Everything will be fine, if you choose colors and materials that are compatible with the owner's onions.

The five elements in feng shui include Metal, Wood, Water, Earth, and Fire.

+Contradictory relationship:

- Metal engraves Wood, Wood engraves Earth, Earth engraves Water, Water engraves Fire, Fire engraves Kim.

+Mutual relationship:

- Metal gives birth to Water, Water gives birth to Wood, Wood gives birth to Fire, Fire gives birth to Earth, Earth gives birth to Kim.

+The colors represent the feng shui elements:

- Metal: White, Silver, metallic.

- Wood: green.

- Water: Blue, Black

- Fire: Red, Pink, Purple.

- Earth: Brown, Yellow, Orange

1.It is best to choose kitchen granite with silver luster, copper luster for people with Metal people , from white, gray to light yellow or sequins. It is best to choose a stone with a golden brown color or a bright white vein, stone with a silver luster. The perfect choice for the owner par Kim. Abstain from red, pink, purple.

2.The best choice for Wood people is turquoise, blue or green granite. You must choose vertical stone textures or veins if you choose kitchen granite with many textures or veins on the stone. It will be extremely good to choose green granite for kitchen, because it is a mutual relationship, helping homeowners do business prosperously.

3.Should choose blue, dark green stones for the Water people, especially because this is a very good mutual relationship for homeowners, so choose black stones with sequins, or iridescence or white veins. One suggestion for the homeowner is India's Black Galaxy granite.

4.Should choose kitchen granite color from red to yellow-brown for Fire people, for patterned stone should choose a combination of diagonal and straight lines if there are brown and blue dots or veins

5.And finally, you should choose yellow or brown granite for Earth people, with red, pink or purple points to create mutuality in feng shui. For patterned stone should choose horizontal pattern. A good suggestion for you is Kashmir Gold Granite or Tan Brown Granite.

About how to choose the kitchen granite according to feng shui for your destiny, here are a few suggestions for you. We hope we can help you choose the right stone for your project through these suggestions.


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